Silent Night of Grace

I can remember as if it were yesterday. The night was cool, but not cold enough to make me shiver. In the distance I could still hear pieces of conversation floating in the air from all the travelers seeking food and lodging. But there on the edge of our little town, far enough from the excitement of the census, the whispers were beginning to drift into a peaceful silence. That is why it startled me so, when a commotion outside our family’s inn broke through the peace and quiet. My Abba could be stern and compassionate all at the same time, and he was trying to explain to someone that our inn was completely full. But I heard a man pleading with him that his wife was with child and about to give birth. Now that got my attention! 

What happened next was typical of my ABBA’s heart for hospitality and compassion when he offered lodging for the night in our stable to the young couple. I, on the other hand, was embarrassed he would even think of such a thing for a young woman…practically still a girl….in her condition! 

Maybe offer the stable to a wayward shepherd, but for a mama to be? Of course, the birthing of lambs and calves took place in that little stable a few times a year, but never a human baby. The midwives of our little town always insisted on a clean bed or pallet. And our stable was far from that!

I remember my Ima calling me to action. Soon I was collecting a blanket, some swaddling cloths, a bowl and pitcher with water, and an oil lamp… a lamp so small it would barely break the darkness within the stable walls. Once the little family was settled in for the night, I wearily made my way to my own bed, finally drifting off to sleep as we awaited the birth of the coming babe.

What happened next was first frightening then remarkable! Out of the stillness there was the crying of a baby…completely expected. 

But suddenly the sky was bright as day even though we were hours away from sunrise. That was not expected! 

It was even more remarkable when I ventured to look out my window. There, clear as day in the night sky, was a glow of angelic beings. They spoke something to the shepherds below, yet I could not quite make out their declaration. 

Then they began to sing with perfect harmony, clear and crisp, “Glory to God in the Highest.” Though it was louder than any choir I had ever heard, it was not harsh, but beautiful and jubilant. 

And the star! The brightest one I had ever seen, hung in the night sky directly above our little stable as if to say come and see, this is the place where a miracle has happened! My mind was still trying to comprehend all that was happening, my heart knew this was no ordinary night, one I did not realize at the time, would have such significance to me or to the world.

The next few hours our little stable was visited by shepherds who claimed the angels had invited them to come, and also by the curiosity seekers both young and old. As each one left the stable their faces were filled with joy and peace.

My Ima had tried to shoo away the constant visitors so the young mother could get some rest, and slowly the audience dwindled. I kept my distance, but then my Ima sent me to get fresh blankets and more water. 

As I returned, I lifted the latch on the gate with care and peered through the doorway into the dimly lit cavern of the stone walls and wooden stalls. There in the corner, light from that unusual star flooded through a high window and illuminated mother and babe nestled in the hay. It was a wonder to behold! No calf born in that stable had commanded such pomp. 

To my surprise the young mother, not much older than me, urged me to come closer. I crept in slowly and sat next to a lamb that seemed unfazed by the unusual visitors and commotion of the night’s events. I listened to the sighs and coos of the babe in his Ima’s arms. She carefully tended to his needs. I had so many questions as a young girl of twelve, trying to make sense of it all. 

So I finally found the courage to ask, “who is your baby that he should get all this attention?” 

The mother gave me a tired smile, “His name is Jesus and he is the one foretold in prophecy.”

My eyes went wide with wonder and my mouth must have dropped wide open, because she chuckled slightly then said, “I am Mary, God’s humble servant whom He has graciously chosen to bring His son into the world so that the world might be saved through him. One day when he is grown, he will show our people mercy and grace, and He will bring us peace. But tonight, he is only a small babe that needs my care to be able to grow strong and wise.” 

Baby Jesus’ eyes fluttered open for a moment then he drifted off to sleep. I made sure Mary had all she needed for the night, then I made my way back to my own little bed at the inn to dream of all that had happened that night.

In the days and weeks that followed I was often at the stable giving assistance to Mary and her husband, Joseph, and later playing with baby Jesus in their small room behind the inn as temporary lodging while staying in Bethlehem.

As if the angels and shepherds were not already unusual visitors for a baby, a few months later an entourage of wise men from the East came to worship the “King of the Jews.” 

I was there as three of the wise men presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. I thought at the time what silly gifts for a baby, but, I was impressed with the respect, honor, and praise they gave to Him. 

Then, just as quickly as they came, they left, returning to their kingdoms far to the east. There were rumblings King Herod was not happy these wise men came to pay homage to a baby king and not himself, and word spread the Jews would soon pay for this oversight. 

We all went to bed that night unsure what the next day would bring, and not long into the night my Ima called me to quickly come and help Mary and Joseph pack some of their belongings in haste.

Apparently, Joseph had a dream their new little family would need to escape to Egypt…of all places…to protect Jesus’ life. I did what I could to help them pack and we sent them on their way not knowing if we would ever see them again.

It wasn’t until many years later that I heard talk of a man who claimed to be the Messiah, who was performing miracles and bringing a kingdom of peace to our people. I knew at once it must be Jesus, the baby who would one day save the world. 

I asked around for any news of this Messiah, hoping I might get a chance to see how he had grown and learn why Yahweh had sent him to us. I was not disappointed when an opportunity came for me to travel to the region of Galilee, and once there, found myself among a large crowd who had gathered to listen to the Rabbi preach. 

I was astonished at his wisdom and powerful words of grace and forgiveness, and I was reminded of Mary’s words all those years ago that her child, Yahweh’s Son, would one day save the world. I was in awe that the small babe I once held as a young girl was now bringing hope and encouragement to the world. I left that day satisfied that Yahweh would make all things right again and we would be free from the heavy-handed oppression of the Romans.

Then, several months later, I heard the terrible news that Jesus had been arrested and was going before Pilate. All of Jerusalem was in an uproar. There were the Jews who hated him and wanted him gone, and others who wanted to make him King of the Jews and bring us our salvation. 

It all happened so quickly, and then there I was among the women weeping as his crucifixion took place on that lonely hill. We were all confused and saddened by this unexpected turn of events. 

We watched at a distance in the oppressive darkness with torches as our solitary source of light, the silence broken only by the mockery and cruelty from the Roman soldiers and the women weeping as Jesus was crucified. 

I remember my heart breaking in those last agonizing moments as he cried out to Yahweh, his Father, and then he dropped his head, and it was done.

 Suddenly, lightening flashed across the darkened sky immediately followed by thunder so loud it hurt my ears, and then the earth shook, knocking some of us to the ground. Our hearts were not only crushed, but terrified. 

They took Jesus down from the cross sooner than normal for a crucifixion, and some of the women followers dearest to Jesus prepared him for burial. Then his body was taken to a nearby tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea. 

It was a difficult and sad day for all of us and we waited and wondered what was next for the future of our people.

I tell you all this because I am now astonished to hear that Jesus, our Savior is risen from the dead! Yes! That’s right, He is alive and appearing before his followers in Galilee. And now the prophecy we were taught from Isaiah all makes sense:

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

In that silent little town in Bethlehem God’s grace was shown to me through the birth of the Christ child, a gift I did not expect or deserve. And now, Christ has shown us grace, because he was willing to die for our sins and has risen in victory, offering us the gift of forgiveness, a gift we do not deserve, but one he has so graciously given. In the silence of this night, I will sleep well, knowing I am covered by his grace.

Janene Zirges 2024


New Beginnings…